Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Klaatu, where are you?

To the left here is Gort and Klaatu, respectfully, from the fantastic movie "The day the earth stood still" and in it Klaatu needs to stress a point to the earth to stop it's foolish hostilities, otherwise his planet will be forced to take actions, or destroy the earth completely. After talking to Professor Barnhardt, Klaatu decides to give the earth a little demonstration of what their fate might be if they keep on their present course, and the earth's electronic equipment all shuts off at noon and remains off until 12:30. There are exceptions of course, like hospitals, airplanes in flight and so on, but everything else comes to a halt because the power is gone. 
What do you think would transpire if Klaatu were to do that to the earth today and all the cell phones, televisions and automobiles suddenly stopped working... even for half an hour? 
Oh, you know... chaos, mayhem and people literally going out of their minds. 
To me it would be neither here nor there, but those who live out their lives on their phones, they would be tossed into a electronic-less chasm they wouldn't understand. 

I say, Klaatu, come back here and give it a go. I think this vapid, self-important, stay at home, mindless world needs a healthy dose of humanity.