Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Confucius say WTF!!!

It seems more than a bit ironic that today's young people believe it to be so important to have a high credit score. To them having a high credit scores means you can get a lot more credit and buy a lot more things.
Now, what it really means is that you can get into a lot more debt and stay heavily in debt because of that 'great credit score'.
In my day we didn't have something as ridiculous as a 'credit score' because we didn't need one, because... we DIDN'T WANT TO BE IN DEBT!!!

I look across the street from my home at the young, unmarried couple who live there. A house, two new cars, a boat and a brand new trailer. I'm guessing they're in debt to the tune of around $350,000. I stand in repulsed awe at people who insist on doing that to themselves all for what they think is important, a good credit score.

People like me who not only pay their bills on time, but who have no debt are called 'deadbeats' by the industry. Why? Because "they" (the ones really profiting from people's debt) can't make any money off me.

So, somewhere along the way some greedy SOBs got together and began the idiotic notion that being in debt is fashionable... and some folks, especially the young, believed it. Sad reality - the average American has almost $130,000 debt and even more if they have student loans hanging over their heads (which interests rates assure they'll never be paid, even in the foreseen future)...

And this is a better way?

You can't fix stupid, but  - according to the greedy - you can profit off it!