Friday, September 17, 2021

Mind your P's & Q's... and B's

The latest buzz word for insulting older people these days is "boomer", meaning us baby boomers. Millenials love to call us that in denigration because... what... I don't know. Did someone from my generation have enough of their spoiled-incompetent-butthurt ways and offended their feelings? Hey, if you're not one of the aforementioned Millenials, then why are you throwing down with the lemmings and insulting all of the whole? 

The way I look at it is this... if you're an asshole, you're an asshole and names are more than likely wasted on you to begin with, but remember this... assholes come in all colors, ages, sexes and shapes... there are no exceptions. And to add to my platitudes here, the squeaky wheel always gets the grease. Why? Because it won't shut the hell up and neither will butthurt who think that everyone should be covered with the same shit blanket. I know several Millenials and I don't consider them to be anything of what I've heard... and I know some Millenials who live up to exactly what I've heard... so I know to base my opinions on each individual accordingly. Let their own attitudes be the guide. 

I can tell you exactly what I think of my generation, you know, those 'boomers' who don't know what the hell they're talking about (and believe me when I say that I know, this does NOT encompass all my generation, but the bulk of it)... 

I know we're the hardest working generation left on the planet and because of how insane the world is we'll most likely be employed until we drop dead at our jobs...

I know we're the last generation who understands what honor, dignity and having pride in one's self is all about. 

I know we'd still die to defend this country and it's butthurt people. 

I know that we understand a joke, no matter how racy, and if we don't like it, we shrug our shoulders and walk away and if we find it funny we don't give a fuck who cares. 

I know we don't treat relationships like they're something disposable and cheat in order to get out of them.

I know we don't give two shits for your PC crap, because we're one of the three generations that fought and fought hard for the privileges we now enjoy. 

I know we know how to engage the human race and have decent, intelligible conversations with others. 

I know we know how to write cursive, how to use math without a calculator and what it means to win AND to lose. 

I could keep going on and on, but you get my gist. 

How many Millenials know how to fix a toilet, do a hard's days work without depending on someone else to do everything around them? How many would know what in hell to do, besides have a life, if their phones went dead? 

While there are so many of that age group that deserve to be shunned because of their attitudes (particularly the ones who refer to my age group as 'boomers'), it is my sincerest hopes that these wise ass jokers will live up to their big talk and actually fix all the bullshit that goes on in this country... because if they don't and all they know how to do is slam someone else on the Internet for at least trying... then this country will ALL look like Kensington and then, ladies and gentlement... we're fucked. 
