There's a lot of things that frighten me about this 'pandemic' (aside from what I've been espousing since it's beginnings), but last night I realized what the most frightening aspect was of all ...
Will the stupid and I repeat the stupid*, honestly and patiently wait for the 'all clear' to sound from the most corrupt institution in the country before they'll get back to living? Really?
The picture here to the left is of a group of people long into the future of earth, called the Eloy**. Mindless, pathetic creatures who, if they had one functioning brain cell among them, would be the genius of the group! Whenever they hear the sound of what is basically an air raid siren, they run to the 'demagogue' for, well, for whatever reason they're running to it. When it sounds again that means the 'all clear' has rang out and they can get back to their sterile, useless, lobotomized lives.
Wait... maybe the stupid today ARE Eloy!
*the stupid - those who fervently believe this pandemic is real and shun everyone who will not wear foreskins as they insist on doing, regardless of it's freedomless implications.
**Eloy - characters from the wonderful movie based off H. G. Wells book "Time Machine".