Sunday, August 2, 2020

Time to start offending!

I'm taking umbrage at many things lately, like the stupidity in the world, wearing o' the foreskins and the like, but I'm finding it more than a bit offensive that I should ever EVER be lumped in with the weirdos who think all this is a ploy to get Trump out of office. My god, he probably orchestrated the entire thing, so don't lump me in with that cock knocking Nazi. Masks are wrong, just wrong... this pandemic is bullshit and Trump, again, most likely the cause of all of this... is a fucking MORON and that, in all honesty, is an insult to the morons of the world.

p.s. to the mask lovers... this flu has been here, supposedly, since December... you don't think if you were going to get it you would have gotten it by now?

As Quint says at the stupidity of Hooper... "Jesus H. Christ!" And, amen to that, Quint!